Excavation Diary Entry

Name: Roddy Regan 
Team: Çatal 
Date: 7/15/2006 
Entry: Decent day in the south shelter, not too hot and the arrival of Heather has helped, along with Taruk? to help us shift the soil. Candimer and myself have been removing the last vestiges of building 56 which appears to have a room previously unnoticed to the west in and area just to the west of the large Mellaart section. It may be that an entrance to this building lay to the west of the south west platform as no wall existed along this side. Previously İ thought the wall to building 56 had collapsed and been replaced by the foundation to building 44, however it is likely that collapse/demolition does not explain wall absence but perhaps the presence of a crawl-hole or entranceway into a narrow side room with one surviving storage bin. We have also started to remove the fall of the lower building 65 (13352) which is a mixture of demolition and midden material similar to that used in the backfilling of building 56. While building 65 appears smaller it is following a rather predictable layout with similar (albeit smaller) features, consistency has its merits but it can also be a bit boringEntered By: RR 
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