Excavation Diary Entry

Name: Lisa Yeomans 
Team: Çatal 
Date: 7/16/2006 
Entry: Work is progessing in space 279. We removed the fill of a large pit [13128] at the end of last week. This fill (13127) was prioritised as it was a clear discrete fill and although it was midden material it did not have the laminated layers sugesting that the material was either redeposited midden or that it represented the deliberte backfilling of the pit. Hopefully the results of the priority will help resolve this. Already Nurcan has shown me a pot with a face on which is really unusual and it seems that the large midden deposits have thrown up a number of interesting, rare finds (both in obsidian and in the pottery) that will only be encountered when deposits as large as this one are excavated.
Pit [13128] clearly cut a number of underlying pits but the fills of these could not be distinguished suggesting that the pits were all cut at roughly the same time or the pits were left open for people to return to overtime to get more building material. A number of slumping deposits (13131) and (13136)are probably the result of the pits being left open. Later, when the area became used for the discarding waste, the overlying midden deposits covered the pitting. However, at some point, someone returned to dig [13128] and extract more building material and this pit was then quickly backfilled with redeposited midden?Entered By: LY 
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