Excavation Diary Entry

Name: Shahina Farid 
Team: Field Director 
Date: 9/12/1996 
Entry: It's hard to believe another week is over, two weeks to go and we've no idea what stage we'll be at by the end of the season. I'd really like to be through all the occupation midden along the entire strip we're working in, which would take us through the horizon Mellaart stopped at in space 108. Also to have an indiction of floor horizons in spaces 116 and 117, I don't think we're likely to define the S walls of these buildings as I suspect they're the ones visible at the bottom of the N wall of shrine 10, which appears to be cut into by at least two late walls. Naomi's area space 113 is coming along nicely. Much of the area appears to have been excavated by Mellaart and backfilled with the same material, was this him excavating the burials? The earlier walls at ground level in the SE corner are in the area Mellaart found a platform and Naomi thinks the walls might be the base construction of that feature. She is now excavating the area within these walls, which includes a hearth cut into the W wall, remnants of another possible hearth against the S wall and an indefinite pit in the SW corner. The aim is to get to the base of the walls but I don't think that will be possible now so we'll reduce the small internal area and depending on the results move to the external bit or leave it for next season. Atakhan and Anwen have been recording and excavating the top courses of the SW walls to space 117 as they are very unstable and unlikely to survive another year. Cicek continues to excavate the fill from space 116, there are no clear deposition horizons, the fill looks pretty homogenous but we'll see what the sections tell us the thin walled features in the NW corner are still going down. Mary and Roddy have come down to a horizon of brick and mortar debris layer. The bricks and mortar are unlike those of the extant wall, does the rubble therefore represent the collapse of a later rebuild of wall or building debris from another are and if so from where? Jon excavated a foundation cut for the small and unassociated wall to the W of space 115 (old 107), very clear in section but not so in plan, it may fizzle out to the W, filled with blocky clay.There was a sliver of plaster on the wall curving at floor level that sealed the fill but extended no further than 2cm. The foundation cut cut the underlying midden deposits and athough as yet not fully excavated there is no association with anything.Entered By: Shahina Farid 
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