Entry: | 18 (M): New Units: 2228, 2229, 2230, 2231.
Old Units:
Unit 2224 In this unit we finished a detailed drawing of the situation on the surface. It was drawn in scale 1:10. This drawing included the outside floors of space 89 and the burned area in the middle with the bukranion (Unit 22210).
Unit 2210 The burned area within U-2224 with bukranion was drawn in scale 1:5 as a detail. Rissa tried to do some cleaning of the loose bones around the bukranion but could not because of the drawing. During the drawing of 2210 we have noticed a flint tool firmly buried to a red burned brick on the south west of the bukranion. In the same area and in very dark burned deposits we noticed some bones that belong to a cranium (chin bone, a fragment of mandible with teeth set in). Near by was found a tiny bead of the same type as the beads found in the child burial in house 1.
Unit 2211/2212/Feature 151 We finished cleaning and photographing of this burial and started drawing it. In cleaning the burial there was found a fragmented bone ring, which looks Neolithic and was most likely brought in the burial by animal activity the traces of which were found in the burial. The grave good was also found and that is a fine glass vessel placed on the S-side of the cranium and along it, with the bottle opening pointing downwards as though the bottle was supposed to get emptied at the time of burial. At the bottom of the feet of the skeleton a large rock was placed.
New Units: Unit 2225 is burial cut Unit 2226 is burial fill In scraping the Unit 2224 looking for the walls of the space 89 a potential burial cut was noticed. The cut is set in the North wall of U-2224 and on the N side it runs close to and parallel with the plastered wall of space 86. The S side of the burial cut extends outside the wall of space 86 and into the wall of U-2224. We proceeded emptying the cut and soon under the surface (ca. 15cm) came across the cranium bones of a skeleton that turned out to be a child skeleton. In the burial cleaning the nails from the coffin were discovered.
Unit 2220 is a 2x2m square This unit represents a room fill in space 86. At first this unit number was assigned to a cut that seemed to be a burial cut. But after 10-15 cm deep spit in what would have been the burial fill we did not come across any indications (bones, nails, grave goods) of a burial. In addition, the soil fill in this cut was very unlike the burial fills in other two burials that have been excavated. It consists of gray, very angular and crumbly clay mixed with brown soil and remains of room fill. Also, there are layers of water deposited soil sediments in this area. After taking a spit out of this area it seemed very unlikely that this was a burial or a rubbish pit and we decided to abandon following the "cut" and to join its fill with the spit in the rest of the 2x2m unit. In the rest of the unit this spit consisted of room fill typical for the surrounding units. It is eroded and compacted remains of brick and mortar with some finds in it.
Unit 2236/2237/2244 These unit numbers were assigned to a burial that was located extending through two quadrants, i.e., units 2221 and 2223. The burial cut was not discovered until a cranium bone surfaced out in the removing of the room fill. After this we have scraped the unit again and were able to locate the cut, which extends under our N-S balk and enters into jet another unit. The burial had cut through the small interior wall that runs from the N wall of space 86 and also had disturbed thick remains of plaster from near by which were pulled inside the burial cut vertically. We began the cleaning of the skeleton.Entered By: Mira Stevanovic |