Entry: | Yesterday took out (13159) - thickish midden deposit contained within a large pit cut. Made up of various layers_lenses, left a micromorph block which Serena took as a sample today. Spent a little time yesterday trying to work out what was going on on the Western edge of the pit as could see layers tipping off inclined east to west - notably another 'lime-burning' horizon, briefly archaeologically frustrated but eventually located a good edge. Today took out the 'lime-burning' deposits; (13161), (13164), and (13165). Also recorded a cut (13166) here for these deposits, though not sure whether it was real. Now taking out another large midden deposit (13167) within the large pit cut, seem to be coming to the base of the pit - which as more or less at the same level as the base of the Byz foundation cut. May soon be able to link our strat with Lisa's, and once we've finished recording the pit we should be able to take off more midden layers to the south.Entered By: RT |