Excavation Diary Entry

Name: ER 
Team: West-Buffalo/Camb 
Date: 7/24/2006 
Entry: Today, we started at 6 o'clock in order to use the cooler morning hours which did not prove to be a huge success; rather, we lost almost two hours in long discussions about if and what and when to take photographs, to get the Total Station going (Tom and Nick were working on that) and to organize work in general. I find it a bit difficult to settle the right balance between multivocality and hierarchy; today I was sort of unmotivated to put energy into our group which made things worse.

I have to get along with the fact that the tools are dull and that nothing can be done about that on the site since they don't have the equipment and the usta to do that here. And we don't have the time to send our tools away for days. I feel embarrassed by the surfaces I create. I showed Ismail and the others what we want, and they picked it up quickly, so making up for the bad tools by muscle strength.

Tomorrow our morning site-seeing minutes should inclue allocation of teams to the particular units that have to be excavted and documented. Peter was bitten into his hand by a sandfly and had to go to the dighouse for an hour, Gülgün got stomach and sun problems after breakfast, and we all stopped work in the field at lunchtime as planned, with one more lab hour in the afternoon. David joins us in the first hours as long as we start at 6 o'clock, a time that obviously poses logistics problems at least for Serhan, who comes to the site together with his mother who than has to sit idle until her work starts at 7 'clock.

After cleaning the area and taking overwiew photos in B, we used unit 13800 to expose yersterday's structures more clearly: we got a skeleton within plaster and mudbrick structures now in the SW corner - their respective relationships, however, still have to be clarified. The stones in the center of the trench turned out to be a wall running NS for less than a meter as exposed so far, 50cm wide in two rows and stoe fill. E of it some stones that still look like rubble. Ingmar detected a colour change nearby which might indicate a foundation trench. Close to the E profile, a presumably human skull appears.

In A, we took an intermediate photo of the cleaned W half (unit 13702) and took the E half down to the same level (unit 13703). The dividing line roughly corresponds to the erosion boundary. In the loose erosion soil the remains of at least two human individuals appeared: Başak, who came for the B burial, had a look at them as well: some long bones of an adult are still in the soil close to the S profile, whereas other lower limb fragments as well as infant bones scatter a bit farther E and N. In the E half, another ashy oblong spot appeared in the N of the trench, roughly corresponding to the one already visible in the SE corner. In the afternoon, we agreed to take both units further down: although one might as well already excavate pits and colour changes separately, the aim of deep sounding demands higher speed than reached so far.

In the afternoon, we started rotating people to the various labs.Entered By: ER 
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