Excavation Diary Entry

Name: Simon McCann 
Team: Çatal 
Date: 7/24/2006 
Entry: Progress continues in LB, priority feed back about Daves big pit F1531. We picked a unit of fine ashy lenses as this contrasted to the larger layers of material in middens. We also wanted to compare it to the pits excavated on the 4040 area.
Well basically it turns out to be midden, bone suggests post consumption material and rapid deposition, botany pointed towards spent fuel deposits with little in the way of plant seeds. So far so good, only four body sherds and not very diagnostic, shame, obsidian backs up the rapid deposition but much less of this material than in your 'classic' midden. Overall specialists were happy that it was middeny in character, rapid deposition pos from hearth/oven rake out potentially accounting for very ashy nature.
So nothing to contrast in dramatically with 'traditional' midden deposits and additionally the story seemed the same from the pits on 4040.
The obsidian turned up something a little more intriguing though, there were only 32 pieces, a very low amount for a midden and only flakes, blades and 'chunks' represented, they were all in good condition including one complete blade. The assemblage contained no projectile points so a suggestion of post Level VI material.
Normally a middeny, hearth rake out deposit would contain shed loads of debitage and tool working debris, but there were only finished items! Pre level VI obsidian working was conducted within the house, hence the debitage. So we have a deposit without debitage, does that mean it can't be hearth rake out? Potentially, but if it is as it looks, rake out, then perhaps the obsidian assemblage which suggests post L.VI, hints at a transformation in the production locals/ methods/etc/ insert archaeological buzzword of choice,etc?
Just a thought anyway.Entered By: Simon McCann 
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