Displaying Diary Entries for Unit: 16819 |
Page 1 of 1 (Total Records: 2)
Name: | ramazan gündüz |
Team: | |
Date: | 7/23/2008 |
Entry: | 22/07/2008 günü, ben ve iki ekip arkadasimla birlikte trench 5 olarak adlandirilan açmanin kuzey dogu kisminda yüzey temizligi yapildi. Ayni gün, 19/07/2008 günü kazisina basladigimiz 16804 ve 16805 unite numarasi verilen çukurun çizimleri yapildi ve fot... click here for more... |
Name: | ER |
Team: | |
Date: | 7/29/2008 |
Entry: | Today JJW and AH continued digging down what appears to be part of a pit located between the cut of grave 2420 and the W profile using unit 16878. While its S edge cuts into the EC roomfill S of 2420, the pit itself was cut by 2420. It contained four arti... click here for more... |