
A feature number is allocated to any group of related units that need to be described as a whole, for instance a burial cut, associated fill(s) and skeleton will be grouped together by a feature number, or the bricks, mortar and plaster of a wall may also be grouped. The Feature Sheet filled out on site allows a whole burial or architectural element, as opposed to its individual units to be described.

Displaying Feature Numbers List By Area North

Page 1 of 170 (Total Records: 1697)
1 bin  Defined 1995, excavated 1998 CC 1998: F1 is effectively the same as F5. The northern wall of building 1 aligned approximately East-West. No units...
2 wall  Defined 1995, excavated 1998 The western wall of building 1 aligned approximately N-S. Plaster 2133 removed 1997 and number 2564 assigned for Micr...
3 bin  Wall exposed first in 1995, description completed in 1997. Internal partition wall dividing rooms spaces 70 and 71; bonded into F1/F5, the northern...
4 bin  Defined in 1995, excavated 1998. F4 is effectively the same as F6, together they form the southern wall of building 1. Plaster 2101 removed 1997 ...
5 wall  Defined 1995, excavated 1998 As F5 is in reality the same wall as F1 - see that feature for description. Plaster 1990 and 2127 removed in 1997 ...
7 wall  Defined 1995, excavated 1998 The eastern wall of building 1 aligned approximately north-south. Plaster 2132 / 2145 / 1990 removed in 1997 and 2543...
8 wall  Defined 1995 RJM, Dug and described 1998 CC Projecting wall which sticks out from wall 7 the eastern wall of buildign1. It forms a pair with wall 1...
9 wall  (see unit 1398) Shaped wall, only 1 course thick for most of its length, built on rubble infill of south of Space 71; relates to re-use of N.half of ...
10 wall  Defined 1995 RJM, Dug and described 1998 CC See F8. Built of sets of mudbrick and mortar (2186)/(2187) and (2188) / (2189) then plasters (2132) ...
11 fire installation  1995: The FI is a roughly irregularly (almost sub-triangular) shaped feature in the SW corner of room 70. It may not be an original feature of the r...

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