
A feature number is allocated to any group of related units that need to be described as a whole, for instance a burial cut, associated fill(s) and skeleton will be grouped together by a feature number, or the bricks, mortar and plaster of a wall may also be grouped. The Feature Sheet filled out on site allows a whole burial or architectural element, as opposed to its individual units to be described.

Displaying Feature Numbers List By Area South

Page 1 of 124 (Total Records: 1237)
12 bin  SEE UNIT SHEET 1047
50 wall  Bricks Max 73x34x6 / min 26 x 34 x 6 Blocking wall made up of up to 7 courses of brick and 8 layers mortar, on top packing or consolidation layer of ...
51 wall  Brick size: 0.86 x 0.36 x 0.06m / 1.60 x 0.34 x 0.08 m nsh 17.8: Wall between spaces 108 & 107 (minus blocking gap 55). 10 courses of brick & 10 or...
52 wall  (1996: N wall of space 108) 1997: A major east-west wall separating row of spaces 109/112/113 to North from spaces 107/108/115 to the south. The wa...
53 pillar  Plaster pillar by gap on E wall of Space 108. Plaster projection from wall, vertical strip with flattish faces on 3 sides. Mellaart said there was a ...
54 pillar  Plastered pillar at junction of walls 51 and 52. The remains of what we presume is Mellaart's pillar in the NE corner of house VII.12, now space 108. ...
55 opening  A 'doorway' between spaces 107 / 108. The top has gone, so original height is unknown. This is a broad gap, lined on each side with plaster [1509], [1...
56 wall  Wall and construction cut and fill Fill matrix for construction cut: 1051 - fill 1067 - fill 1072 - fill 1073 - fill 1082 - bone cluster 1091 -...
57 wall  Brick size: 2.00m x 0.40m x 90 mm Unit number [1526] N-S aligned wall. Party wall - space 107 to west & 106 to east. Appears to bond to north wall (...
58 wall  Wall that proved more complex in plan than it appeared in section. After removal of upper courses as [1552] and [1554] a complex layering of white and...

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