
A feature number is allocated to any group of related units that need to be described as a whole, for instance a burial cut, associated fill(s) and skeleton will be grouped together by a feature number, or the bricks, mortar and plaster of a wall may also be grouped. The Feature Sheet filled out on site allows a whole burial or architectural element, as opposed to its individual units to be described.

Displaying Feature Numbers List By Area TP

Page 1 of 46 (Total Records: 452)
6 wall  Defined 1995, excavated 1998 As wall F6 is in reality the same as wall F4, see that feature for description. Plaster 2132 / 2133 removed 1997 as w...
850 burial  The feature consists of two units: one human bone (sacrum) - 6713 - and an arbitrarily defined area around it (6717). Although it's deposit did not di...
851 burial  The feature consists of two units: a cluster of human bones (destroyed burial ?) -6718- and an arbitrarily defined area around it (6719). No traces of...
852 burial  The feature consists of two units: 6722 - a child's skeleton and the burial fill - 6723. The fill was defined arbitrary as an area around the skeleton...
853 burial  The feature consists of two units: 6724 (2a-bones-femur) and 6725 - a burial fill, which was defined arbitrarily ...
854 burial  The feature consists of 3 units: a bedless skeleton in extended position (6710) lying in a cut (6712) with an infill (6711) that had a little differen...
855 burial  The feature consists of two units: a badly preserved skeleton in extended position on the right side (6721) and an arbitrarily defined area around the...
856 burial  The feature consists of two units: a skeleton in extended position, very badly preserved (6727) and an arbitrarily defi...
857 burial  The feature consists of two units: a badly preserved skeleton in extended position, on the left side, oriented E-W (6735)...
858 burial  The feature consists of two units: the upper part of a skeleton in extended position (6737) and an arbitrary define...

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