
A feature number is allocated to any group of related units that need to be described as a whole, for instance a burial cut, associated fill(s) and skeleton will be grouped together by a feature number, or the bricks, mortar and plaster of a wall may also be grouped. The Feature Sheet filled out on site allows a whole burial or architectural element, as opposed to its individual units to be described.

Displaying Feature Numbers List By Feature Type Burial

Page 1 of 71 (Total Records: 705)
28 burial  below unit 1358 Burial (single inhumation)
29 burial  Cuts 1971, 1949, 1459?, below 1459? Multiple inhumation burials - latest (1466) was headless articulated adult, with numerous disturbed / disarticu...
30 burial  Crouched, articulated adult, head pointing south into the building (1424) with an articulated in fant on similar orientation (1450); several other dis...
31 burial  Skeletons - disarticulated, 1 articulated (1498). (1498) Now re-numbered as F.377 (CC 12-10-00)
35 burial  articulated childs skeleton with necklace. Last burial on platform F.13
36 burial  Burial (fully articulated baby)
38 burial  Burial group including multiple interment events which should ideally have been separated into individual feature numbers. Group includes two fully ar...
40 burial  below floor 1367 Apparently fully / largely articulated skeleton
41 burial  Complete articulated infant
42 burial  Small grave cut containing the disarticulated skull and some disarticulated post-cranial elements

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