A feature number is allocated to any group of related units that need
to be described as a whole, for instance a burial cut, associated fill(s) and
skeleton will be grouped together by a feature number, or the bricks, mortar and
plaster of a wall may also be grouped. The Feature Sheet filled out on site allows a
whole burial or architectural element, as opposed to its individual units to
be described.
Displaying Feature Numbers List By Feature Type kiln | Page 1 of 1 (Total Records: 5)
| 966 | kiln This is a circular kiln with a domed superstructure made up of many layers of clay. It is located in NW corner of the excavated area that has been use... | 991 | kiln This is a complex of four rectangular and parallel to each other kilns. They are located in northern part of the excavated area and comprise a central... | 1185 | kiln This is a complex feature composed of large pit and kiln. The latter was a domed superstructure, which was poorly preserved. Its base was lined with a... | 1192 | kiln This is a small and largely destroyed domed kiln. It is placed in the west extension trench and is dug out into Roman floor marked as unit 11555. It i... | 1913 | kiln This is largely destroyed pit associated with Roman phase of occupation of this part of the mound. The feature is composed of the remains of the kiln ... |
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