
A feature number is allocated to any group of related units that need to be described as a whole, for instance a burial cut, associated fill(s) and skeleton will be grouped together by a feature number, or the bricks, mortar and plaster of a wall may also be grouped. The Feature Sheet filled out on site allows a whole burial or architectural element, as opposed to its individual units to be described.

Displaying Feature Numbers List By Feature Type ledge/shelf

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243 ledge/shelf  Quite narrow and short 'ledge' in space which runs inside the west, north and east walls in the northern half of the space. Plastered, this appears to...
814 ledge/shelf  Unexcavated plaster basin feature located c. 07 m above floors. Fashioned from dense white lime/clay smaller similar feature 815 set about 0.6 m be...
815 ledge/shelf  unexcavated plaster shelf like feature in NW corner of space 170, located below similar but larger shelf 814.
6070 ledge/shelf  Shelf like feature attached to post 6056. Note: Feature number added post-ex by BT. Plaster shelf-like feature, approx 18cm in diameter. Re-s...
7303 ledge/shelf  Platform F.7114 lip in its E edge running N-S. Most of this lip was excavated in 2012 and what remains is only a small plinth (25 x 9 cm) in the NE ed...
7304 ledge/shelf  Lip of platform F.638 running E-W, meeting the E wall of Sp.87 on its E side, and platform F.7114 lip F.7303 on its W side. This lip is different fr...
7430 ledge/shelf 
7980 ledge/shelf 

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