
A feature number is allocated to any group of related units that need to be described as a whole, for instance a burial cut, associated fill(s) and skeleton will be grouped together by a feature number, or the bricks, mortar and plaster of a wall may also be grouped. The Feature Sheet filled out on site allows a whole burial or architectural element, as opposed to its individual units to be described.

Displaying Feature Numbers List By Feature Type niche/recess

Page 1 of 6 (Total Records: 56)
203 niche/recess  This is a bizarre feature - a cylindrical hole was cut or left in the wall. Into this was placed a packing of orange-brown clayish soil, followed by a...
454 niche/recess  Recorded in section this appears to be a niche in wall F.445, the southern wall of Building 7 / space 176. 0.84m wide it is plastered on both its west...
1477 niche/recess  niche in the east wall of B52 painted in red. Probably not the last layer of plaster was painted but the earlier ones
1481 niche/recess  Small oval niche in the west wall of space 94. Interior plastered with multiple layers. Not open (in use) in Building 51. It was blocked by the lay...
1488 niche/recess  Cut visible in plan. Originally interpreted as construction cut for wall F2013, cutting wall 2014. I think it looks more like a truncation of both wal...
1629 niche/recess  At some stage through the history of the building were two niches both of which fell out of use during the occupation of the house. To the north of th...
1704 niche/recess  Feature 1704 is a small plastered niche within the east wall of space 112 (f.259). This niche is 33 cm wide (north-south) and 13 cms high and penetrat...
1706 niche/recess  This feature consists of a rectangular recess in a wall f. 259 and has rounded corners. It is located directly above the latest floor in space 231, un...
1708 niche/recess  plastered niche set into the northwest corner of space 231, mainly located in west wall f. 267, but also in north wall f. 1700. This feature was loca...
2171 niche/recess  Cache of ground sone objects, larg bones (including a mandible) and a flint core located between west wall (2117), norhern partition wall (feature 211...

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