feature number given to a grouping of disarticulated human bones, mainly recorded as being in fill 11608 a generic 'burial soil' although the articulated humna remains this fill surrounds appear to be in individual cuts. However as these were well nigh impossible to see it was thought better to group the disarticulated bones rather place them within individual grave fills which would have been guesswork. This grouping also contined an articulated foot Skeleton 11646 but this would also appera to have been witthin this disarticulated group.
07/09/09 SF This feature number therefore collates a number of burial features (F.1344, F.1346, F.1347, F.1348, F.2050) all of which are associated with fill (11608).
With the introduction of the MNI calculation through the H.remains DB, a problem occurred that the MNI was repeatedly calculating MNI from fill (11608) as the fill was asociated with all the above associated features.
Therefore the fill (11608) was removed from burial feature records (F.1344, F.1346, F.1347, F.1348, F.2050), and only kept associated with F.1343 to address this problem BUT in reality represents the fill around all the above features. F.1343 and fill (11608) should therefore be viewed as the 'parent' feature and fill.
Burials F.1349, F.2051 and F.2052, also within F.1343 were allocated different fill numbers as were more discretely associated with the skeletons. |