Feature 1510

Area: South 
Dug in Year: 2004 
Feature Type: platform 
Platform excavated in two parts. In 2002 southern extent excavated in foundation trenches as F.845.
In 2004 northern extent excavated as F.1510. Post ex 2011 the two feature numbers were amalgamated and platform now known as F.1510.
All data from F.845 see below (SF 30/09/11)

Remains of platform to south of bench F1503 truncated to south by shelter foundation. Made up of two thicker make up layers (10444) and (10443) - overlying this was (10441) which consisted of numerous finer layers of approx 12 different episodes of plastering and make up - also at this stage as the becnch was increasing in height it also expanded to the west by approx 20cm.
Cleaning layer (10424) removed some fragmentary plaster fragments from upper surface which may have related to a surface or to general debris.
(10442) is plaster facing on south of bench F1503 and it also consists of several episodes of replastering suggest these replastering episodes of bench are occuring at same time as (10441), replastering of platform f1510, but have been seperated on matrix.

Feature 1510 represents the remains of a platform to the south of bench F1503, truncated by shelter foundation. The make up of the platform shows two distinct basal layers followed by numerous episodes of plastering and make up represented by (10441).
The elaboration or probably more likely refurbishment of the platform seems to have been a frequent event as evidenced by the fine layers in (10441). Also these fine layers of plaster may have been more prone to wear and tear necessitating frequent repair.
The replastering of the southern face of bench F1503 at the same time or similar time to replastering of platform may suggest that rather than just patching worn areas, an opportunity to re-plaster larger areas may have been taken. Indeed it may have been a yearly event and unrelated to actual condition of plaster surfaces.
So platform F1510 fits within the 'usual' ideas of agglomoration and elaboration of platforms within a building.

Platform recorded as F.845 in 2002 excavations. Below data from F.825

N-S 105cm (and continues to N); W-E 110cm

The platform was previously excavated together with the house floor - u. 5427. It was difficult to distinguish the platform because of the narrow trench and the pit, which damages its W edge. The platform is rectangular or quadrangular in plan/it is difficult to say because it continues to N, under the N profile of the trench. It has slightly elevated edges. The relation with the oven is lost because of the pit, but the relation to the "kitchen" area floor is easy to trace. The platform is slightly higher than the floor, c. 2-3 cm. The edges are rounded. The platform consisted of successive floors and packings. The floor is 1 cm thick, made of fine yellowish-gray clay and the packing is 2.5-5cm (thicker to the edges) brown clay. The surface is nicely smoothed. TS 27/07/2002 
In situ Conservation: No 
Lifted: No 
Feature Relationships:
abuts: (Click to view the record) 1503 
Number of Related Diary Entries: 0
Conservation Recorded: No
Buildings: (Click to view the record)

Spaces: (Click to view the record)

No. Of Units in this Feature:  15  (Click here to view unit list)
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Konya Seker
