Area: North |
Dug in Year: 2005 |
Feature Type: platform |
Location: north of space 60 |
Platform located inside(?) of the L shaped feature (2143) some indication of plaster on the top of the platform, which is in fact a continuation of the plaster pf the F. 2143. There's another indication of plaster located in NS direction. In the feature, there are at least two phases of construction since there's a big clue of plaster (thin section read from the top) stating that another slab added to the west side (maybe also to the east side) and plastered again. Then F,.2141 was also plastered after the addition. |
In situ Conservation: No |
Lifted: No |
Feature Relationships: |
abuts: (Click to view the record) 2143 |
Number of Related Diary Entries: 0 |
Conservation Recorded: No |
none | Spaces: (Click to view the record)
| No. Of Units in this Feature: 1 (Click here to view unit list) |