Since the stone cover (13722) looked completely intact, we did not pay enough attention to the somewhat fuzzy NW corner where stones were not visible under the lining 13757. Also fill 13764 seemed, apart from the visible mudbrick lumps in the west part, fairly homogeneous. Only after the skeletons upper body turned out to be absent we realised this was a looting pit (cut 14208). As indicated on the sketch the final layer of lining 13757 is, unlike the rest, not pure stone and seems to habe been put there AFTER the looting, as well as the stone cover 13722. Therefore 13780 dates the looting, 13781 the grave, while 13764 and 13758 date the looting only. Maybe 13764 dates the looting and 13758 the repairs afterwards (also possible for 13759). 14209 therefore allocated to the fills as a separate unit. The fact that only mudbrick lumps were visible in plan 06/909, however, also allows for a date before the looting. |