Feature 256

Area: South 
Dug in Year: 1997 
Feature Type: bin 
Related Photo (Click to view larger version in new window)
Location: SW corner of space 117 
Grid X: 917.8  Grid Y: 973.8
Defined 1997:
Filled by Dumping layers and burnt stones.

Clay Bin. Square in shape. Situated over oven 208 and probably built at same time as corner bin 257 to the East. Not yet excavated (25-9-97)

excavated 1998:

Units 3175 and 3162 were rendering on N face of oven 268 and covered both.

Rectangular feature in SW of space 117 situated on top of oven F286. Its walls are formed by 3353 which runs on NE and half way along west wall, the rest being formed by mudbrick wall 93.
The south wall of bin 256 is formed by wall 79.
Two other deposits help from the wall, 3367 to the E and 3374 to the NW. The walls stand 10-12cm high and are 80 to 90 degrees on the inside with moderate break of slope to a flat base. On the outside North they slope quite steeply 60 to 70 degrees. On the west they appear vertical but this is because the were truncated by the 1997 baulk section.
The bin was formed by cut [3354] which truncated the top of oven F268 forming a flattish base then the walls were added on top of this..
This cut truncated some of the rendering of oven F268, 3170. However, after the bin was built both the oven and the bin were rendered with 3175 and 3162 suggesting that at the later phases of the oven's use they were both in use at the same time, otherwise why not just render over then entrance of the oven after it had been backfilled. But then again why back fill the oven so carefully anyway?

The cut 3354 seems to have weakened the roof of the oven and made it collapse at some point ( this action given 'cut' number 3373). The last fill of the oven unit no 3124 seems to have been deposited from this hole in the roof. It is uncertain whether it was deliberately back filled in order to restore a base for bin 256 or whether it was accumulated deposits from the fill of F256 seeping through the whole of the roof after both went out if use.
There is the possibility that there were 3 phases of activity:
i, the oven in use on its own (the roof of original oven can be traced as scorching line on wall 79)
ii, the oven and bin 256 in use together
iii, the bin in use after oven had been backfilled.
None of these can be proved all that is certain is that the bin was built after the oven.

If the bin was used at the same time ad the oven it suggests some use as a drying / cooking receptacle. One of the bin fills, 2796 contained clay balls and burnt stone. The heat from the oven probably wouldn't have been sufficient to fire the clay or burn the stone though it would have been hot enough to warm them.
Alternatively they may have been dumped there later as a convenient place to get rid of them. The sides of the bin walls weren't burnt so there seems to be no fire installation in the bin itself. 
In situ Conservation: No 
Lifted: No 
Feature Relationships:
contemporary with?: (Click to view the record) 257 
cuts: (Click to view the record) 268 
incorporates: (Click to view the record) 79 
Number of Related Diary Entries: 0
Conservation Recorded: No
Related Photos: 7 (Opens as a group in a new window) 
Buildings: (Click to view the record)

Spaces: (Click to view the record)

No. Of Units in this Feature:  6  (Click here to view unit list)
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Yapi Kredi



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Konya Seker
