Initially recorded as an oven presumable on basis of size but does not fit oven defintion (supported domed construction associated with south wall), therefore reallocated as hearth in post ex until demonstrably oven crtieria (SF May 2011) Oven
- Foundation trench 21 - South-west corner 1032.90/1181.26 - Formation level 1011.63
from Archive Report 2007:
In the north-west of the trench, set on to floor surface (15930), was a partially exposed oven F.2912, consisting of three units (Figure 25): The oven wall (15917), measuring 0.85m east-west by 0.78m north-south and c.0.11m high within the L.O.E where the wall were c.0.10m thick, was constructed with firm mid brownish grey sandy silt. The primary fill (15922), concreted, dark brownish black, laminated sandy silt, measured 0.66m E-W by 0.72m N-S by c.30mm thick (within the L.O.E). (15922) was directly underlying the secondary fill (15905), a compact, mid to dark brownish grey, laminated sandy silt, measuring 0.80m east-west by 0.70m N-S and c.30mm thick (within the L.O.E). The oven had been partially demolished in preparation the subsequent occupation phase. It is likely that the replacement oven and/or hearth is located to the south or south-west of the foundation trench (see below). |