Feature 460

Area: South 
Dug in Year: 1999 
Feature Type: burial 
Location: centre of space 163/170 
Grid X: 923.19  Grid Y: 970.26
Human burial consisting of a sub-rectangular grave cut 4398, a crouched burial 4394 and grave fill 4397. The cut is sub-rectangular in plan and rather unevenly cut through with a flatish base. The sides are gently sloping to the west but stepped and uneven to the east. This is reflected in the position of the skeleton which lay in a crouched position with the upper body partly raised up the edge of the cut. The body lay on its right side with the head to the south with both hands apparently drawn up in front of the face. The right knee was raised up in front of the ribcage with the right foot positioned in front of the pelcis. The left lower femur lay at 90 degrees to the trunk with the lower leg tightly flexed back so the left foot just below the pelvis. A heavy concentration of phytolith material lay in front of the ribcage and over the right leg and appears to represent a layer of reed matting or something placed over this part of the body. Around the skeleton and in the overlying grave fill were numerous small animal bones though none apparently in articulation. There were also concentrations of owl pellet material in the fill, which were sampled. The burial appears to have been cut quite deeply into the infill 4325, probably from the floor level in space 163 (Mellaart Shrine 10 level 8), probably a total depth of in excess of 80cm though only 52cm was recovered during excavation.

The body appears to have been just 'thrown in' rather than deliberately placed, and this together with the rather rough and uneven cut of the grave suggests an unceremonious burial, particularly in comparison with F.513 which shows apparent deliberate placing of the body and other materials in the grave.

The skeleton is apparently that of a young adult male. The upper fill of the burial was truncated by a later burial of a baby F.442 though this was not deep enough to disturb the lower skeleton, indeed the only disturbance appears to have been by small animal activity which redistributed a number of the smaller bones. 
In situ Conservation: No 
Lifted: No 
Feature Relationships:
cut by: (Click to view the record) 442 
Number of Related Diary Entries: 2
Conservation Recorded: No
Related Photos: 2 (Opens as a group in a new window) 
Buildings: (Click to view the record)

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No. Of Units in this Feature:  3  (Click here to view unit list)
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