Feature 482

Area: South 
Dug in Year: 1999 
Feature Type: wall 
Location: South of e-w wall F.508, at southern limit of Sp.179. 
Grid X: 910.8  Grid Y: 971.7
Description: Only partly excavated.
F.482 is an e-w wall, dividing Sp. 178 and Sp. 179, within Building 23 - level 10. Bonds with F.507, the n-s parti. wall to the east of F.482. To east of centre of F.482 is crawlhole F.530, which is plaster lined. The plaster is part of 4512 - a single application, which also lines the north and south faces of F.482, so the crawlhole was built as an integral part of the wall. Attached to the south face, or immediately south of the south face, are features: F.531, 532, 559, and 560. See overleaf. F.482 may bond with F.509, the n-s wall to the west. This relationship - as yet uninvestigated.
Discussion: Features F.559 (niche), and F.560 (wall painting), were a plaster-lined niche and assoc. painting, attached to the south face of F.482. It is uncertain whether F.559 is integral to F.482. It is built into a 'scoop' into F.482, but there is no evidence of damage to the brickwork. Bench? F.531, and bin F.532 are not part of F.482, but are presumably assoc. with activity in and around F.559. (See Adnan for unit sheets for these features.) 
In situ Conservation: No 
Lifted: No 
Feature Relationships:
abutted by: (Click to view the record) 531 
adjacent to: (Click to view the record) 532 
below: (Click to view the record) 560, 816 
bonded with: (Click to view the record) 507, 509 
cut by: (Click to view the record) 559 
incorporates: (Click to view the record) 530 
Number of Related Diary Entries: 4
Conservation Recorded: No
Buildings: (Click to view the record)

Spaces: (Click to view the record)

178, 179 
No. Of Units in this Feature:  6  (Click here to view unit list)
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