Description: This is a burial located underneath central, eastern platform (F.3508) in Space 370 (B.96). Feature contains: burial infill (u.19701), part of skeleton (only upper, left part of the body has been recorded - u.19720), and ovoid, regular cut (u. 19721).
Discussion: A burial pit is located beneath eastern, central platform (F. 3508) of Space 370. Infill was homogenous and in it's upper part some loose bones has been recorded. At the bottom of the pit human, articulated bones has been exposed. Only the upper part of the adult individual has been found. Skull, cervical vertebrae, lumbar vertabrae, legs and pelvis were not present. Skeleton was oriented west - east with hands flexed toward upper body. Cut of the pit is regular and ovoid in shape, it's basal boundar is flat and ealier burial cuts are visible within it. It was the latest burial in space 370. The lack of skull and lower body is very distinguish. |