1996 N/S Wall only remnant left, could this be the N/S return (remains of) E/W wall 63, lying to the south.
Defined 1996, Excavated 1998
1998: Max brick size 0.42 x 0.27 x 0.08 m Wall composed of Brick (3110) and Mortar (3111)
Discussion: Wall 71 consisted of three courses of sandy yellowish brown bricks (3110) and mortar (3111), which were highly degraded. It seems to be the end of a wall which once ran from N to S, but no associated walls were left standing by the time that it was excavated. It was overlain by very mixed, ashy deposits, and similar materials also filled the gap between it and F69 to the North, suggesting that it never completely abutted this wall. Further mixed foundation deposits were placed above F71 before another wall was built above it running from E to W [ F70] so it didn't provide any direct foundation for the walls above although it might have provided a handy lump of solid material to hold the subsequent wall in place (in retrospect) |