Feature 7403

Area: South 
Dug in Year: 2014 
Feature Type: other 
Feature Subtype:  
Location: Between spaces 135 and 373 above threshold U. 19804. 
Grid X: 932.32  Grid Y: 958.17
Feature is the wall extension of Feature 5038(eastern partition wall of B80). Was identified as as the brick and mortar layers of the extension (20062 and 18911) were removed and a distinct change was detected in the mortar. The mortar transitioned from loose and gray to fine, orange, and smooth/compact in nature. The bricks of this feature (3) appear to be laid in the samer location as the long vertical bricks from the wall extension. It's possible the bricks were put in place and then the first orange mortar was laid along with a groundstone with possible red pigment. And then the rest of the mortar (the loose gray material) was added. Or these three bricks represent small foundation bricks of a different event. Because of the placement of the groundstone and the dramatically different materials involved, this feature could represent an intentional functional or symbolic preparation layer for the extension, that also sealed the threshold. 
In situ Conservation: No 
Lifted: No 
Feature Relationships:
abuts: (Click to view the record) 5038 
Number of Related Diary Entries: 0
Conservation Recorded: No
Buildings: (Click to view the record)

Spaces: (Click to view the record)

135, 373 
No. Of Units in this Feature:  5  (Click here to view unit list)
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Yapi Kredi



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Konya Seker
