"the earliest hearth was F.807. Cut by later events, it survived as a shallow scoop cutting through the underlying building fills. It was defined by two units. A basal deposit, possibly a lining, covered an area of 0.44 by 0.16 m and was 20-mm-thick mottleddark brown and off-white silty clay with 'some straw traces which are burnt, some stone particles and a very small amount of charcal remains' (US 5116, AB, 07.08.99). This was overlain by an infilling/leveling deposit of light grey-brown silty clay, with 'charcoal fragments, stone particles and burnt oven fragments' (US 5116, AB, 07.08.99) representing the closure" p. 114
taken from volume 3 excavating CH 07/07/2010 -SAK |