Space Number:  511

Area: North  


Within Building Number: 132 


Mellaart Level: Unassigned at present 

Hodder Level: North.F 



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The space 511 encompasses the sequences and deposits placed directly under the Sp.489 that were located in the plan arrangement of the North Shelter between B113, B.52 and Sp.488/518. The described interior is restricted by the well defined walls: Southern – F.7125, Eastern – F.7126 (both were preserved up to 1.1m height) and Northern – F.3679 (preserved up to 2.1m). They altogether embrace possible the side-room of a bigger building structure located northward behind the wall F.3679. However, the statement might be verified only by exploration of the western part of the Space that is still covered by the midden and roomfill deposits within the section set arbitrarily in 2012 along the Grid line: E-1044.

The chronological sequence of major uncovered units and features within the Sp.511 comprised of the following subsequently positioned deposits (from the bottom):
The floor [30592] truncated in its southern part by activity or later unclear doings was covered by activity surface [u.30591] consisted of patches and sequences of phytoliths. In the North-Eastern part of the Space there was an unique Bin/container found [F.7139 (infill-30576, plastered structure-30575)]. In the North-Western part of the trench just under the section/profile there was recorded posthole [F.7302 (cut-30552, infill-30151)] used afterwards by animals as a burrow. The whole described sequences were covered by the room-fill [20988] comprised of crushed bricks and mortar as well as number of collapsed fragments of roof (?) and fragments of plaster. The latter deposit was coated by relatively thin midden [20965], that subsequently was covered by two rubbles (20942, 20943). The latter closed distinctively the last phase of the Sp.511 and the fallen bricks might be easily related with slumping southern wall (F.7125) of the space 511 that must have been effected by a collapsing episode whose nature (natural or intentional) remains unclear. 


Number of Related Diary Entries: 0

Conservation Recorded: Yes
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Related Photos: 62 (Opens as a group in a new window) 
Feature Numbers Related to this Space: (Click to view the record)

3679 (wall)
7125 (wall)
7139 (bin)
7302 (post pit)
7346 (wall)
7856 (access hole)
No. Of Units in this Space: 20  (Click to view unit list)

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