Space Number:  633

Area: North  


Within Building Number: 132 


Mellaart Level: Unassigned at present 

Hodder Level: North.F 



- - Space 633 refers to the Earliest phase of occupation within the main room of B.132. the Space was assigned especially by the evidence of the Earlier E-wall F.7149 which was already revealed in 2015. Alternatively the presence of the parallel set later eastern restriction of the room F.7736 delineated the limit of the younger sp.531. Taking into consideration all of the gathered hitherto data the Sp.633 must be regarded as the oldest main room in B.132 restricted to the N, S, E, W by the walls: 7584, 3679, 7149, 7346 respectively. The space must have been contemporary with the earliest phases of occupation within the Sp. 511 which constituted the Southern side room.
Apart from the Eastern wall there were no many evidences defined as related with the Sp.633. One of them was the plastered floor 23623 which overlapped the W-face of the wall F.7149. Unfortunately, remodeling related with setting the later E-restriction (F.7736) for the Sp.531 truncated all of the possible relationships that might have been drawn between potential features / layers and the older phase (Sp.633).
The wall 7149 had been erected in a shallow foundation cut 23622 which truncated the floor 23623 of Sp.633. by the mentioned truncation all of the correlations had been lost. Worth noticing is that under unit number 23623 there was only one layer of plastered floor recorded. The lack of others coating counterparts might imply that the occupation within the Sp.633 might have lasted not so long before collapse of the wall F.7149 toward the east. The latter episode considerably ended the inhabitance of Sp.633. However the single layer of floor U.23623 did not correspond with the multi-coating evidenced on the W-face of the mentioned wall. For that reason it is highly possible that there were many layers of the floor as well as internal features that had been demolished before re-settling in the younger phase of the main room of B.132 assigned as Sp.531.
The small extent of the floor 23623 was not excavated due to the time constraints. 


Number of Related Diary Entries: 0

Conservation Recorded: No

Feature Numbers Related to this Space: (Click to view the record)

3679 (wall)
7149 (wall)
7346 (wall)
7584 (wall)
No. Of Units in this Space: 70  (Click to view unit list)

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