Faunal ID Number 12539.F1 

Unit: 12539 
Area: South 
Element: Metacarpal III + IV 
Taxon: Ovis/Capra 
Measurement Set 1 
Measurement Bp: 20.34 (See comment) 
Measurement Dp: 15.53 (See comment) 
Measurement SD: 11.98 (Standard measurement) 
Measurement Bd: not present 
Measurement Dd: not present 
Measurement GL: not present 
Measurement CD: not present 
Measurement GLl: not present 
Measurement Ll: not present 
Measurement DD: not present 
Measurement LeP: not present 
Comments: May be influenced by heavy gnawing on the proximal epiphysis of the bone. 
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main sponsors

Yapi Kredi



secondary sponsors

Konya Seker
