Unit List

On an archaeological excavation every deposit is given a unique number. At Catalhoyuk we call these numbers Unit numbers (similar to Context numbers). The dig has already allocated over 20000 Units numbers!

Displaying Unit Numbers for Feature 3695

Page 1 of 1 (Total Records: 7)
20615 layer  The taphonomical process has been very different between the southwest part which was very affected by the burning of building 52, and the northeast p...
20634 Layer  
20652 Arbitrary layer  
30504 Layer  
30507 Layer  
30516 Layer  Thin plaster layer on platform F.3695 with medium brown makeup material beneath. First layer on plateform F.3695 cut by unit 21124.
30532 Layer  

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Yapi Kredi



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Konya Seker
