On an archaeological excavation every deposit is given a unique number. At Catalhoyuk
we call these numbers Unit numbers (similar to Context numbers). The dig has already
allocated over 20000 Units numbers!
Displaying Unit Numbers for Feature 7952 | Page 1 of 1 (Total Records: 10)
| 22642 | Layer | 22670 | Layer | 22683 | Layer | 22684 | Layer | 23087 | Layer | 31715 | Layer | 32510 | Layer Intentioanlly excavated out of phase whilst burials within Platform F7952 were removed. Cut from a section line 0.10m west of Platform 7952.
Varyin... | 32518 | Layer A composite deposit comprised of a truncated plaster surface c. 2.00m x 0.20m x 0.01 worn away along western edge and the formation deposit for this s... | 32519 | Void | 32520 | Layer 32520 continued up on to the north face of Bench F.7966. |
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