Area: South |
Dug in Year: 2007 |
Feature Type: burial |
Feature Subtype: |
Location: Eastern platform |
Grid X: 939.45 Grid Y: 962 |
Tightly flexed Neolithic crouched burial. Head to west. Very subtle indication of phytoliths on feet and pelvis sugest binding.
Burial in central east platfotm of building 65. head at east facing south.
From Archive Report, Human Remains, 2007: F.2603 Sk. (14506) An adult male skeleton was buried under the east platform. The tightly flexed body was on its right side, lying east-west with the head to the west. Phytolith remains were found on the pelvis and feet, suggesting that the body was bound by a type of cordage. The interment of Sk.(14506) disturbed Sk. 14507.b2 which was a female skeleton who had been buried earlier in a cut located to the south. |
In situ Conservation: No |
Lifted: Yes |
Feature Relationships: |
above: (Click to view the record) 2604 |
cuts: (Click to view the record) 2088 |
Number of Related Diary Entries: 1 |
Conservation Recorded: No |
Related Photos: 39 (Opens as a group in a new window) | Buildings: (Click to view the record)
| Spaces: (Click to view the record)
| No. Of Units in this Feature: 4 (Click here to view unit list) |