The Excavation Diary

The excavation diaries are a daily log kept by the excavators on site during each season. They record the day to day activity of the team and their observations on their work.
Displaying Diary Entries for Feature = 11

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Name: Roger Matthews 
Team: �atal 
Date: 8/4/1996 
Entry: Work started today in Building 1, North Area. We spent the previous couple of days removing the back-fill and canvas which we had draped over the excavations at the end of the 1995 season, and re-attaching the canvas to the roof and sides of the wooden fr... click here for more... 
Name: Roger Matthews 
Team: �atal 
Date: 8/6/1996 
Entry: A much more productive day today, largely due to the total absence of electronic gadgetry from the excavation. All levels and 3D co-ordinates were taken with dumpy and tapes and plotted directly onto plans and unit sheets. We will continue with this metho... click here for more... 
Name: Roger Matthews 
Team: �atal 
Date: 8/7/1996 
Entry: Work progressed well today. As our unit sheets are now with Serap and Gavin at the end of each day I am not able to give the unit numbers for each operation, but they can easily be checked against plans and other records in the files. Serap continued digg... click here for more... 
Name: Roger Matthews 
Team: �atal 
Date: 8/8/1996 
Entry: End of the first week on site. Today we continued with excavating a range of deposits in Building 1. We were joined this morning by Louise, so I showed her the routine and she got to work removing room fill near the centre of Space 71. There are now 7 of ... click here for more... 
Name: Roger Matthews 
Team: �atal 
Date: 8/11/1996 
Entry: Work has proceeded well over the past two days. We are now within sight of completing the excavation of the uppermost phase of Building 1 - it should take another week or so, at a guess, if there are no major delays. The building is proving to be every bi... click here for more... 
Name: Roger Matthews 
Team: �atal 
Date: 8/26/1996 
Entry: Another solid day of recording - we have now produced a marvellous 1:20 plan of Building 1, with much detail on it - levels, slopes, plaster lines, Munsell colours etc. It will serve as a base map for all future analyses of the building and its contents. ... click here for more... 
Name: Roger Matthews 
Team: �atal 
Date: 9/14/1996 
Entry: Start of another week on site after a Friday trip to Ivriz and Meke Golu. It has been a very windy day with dust blowing through the tent and into our faces and hair. It is still blowy now but no sign of rain. Excavation proceeds well. Space 70 is not far... click here for more... 
Name: Gavin Lucas 
Team: �atal 
Date: 8/14/1997 
Entry: Work on the burials is still proceeding and we have not reached the deadline of completing them today as I had hoped. Burial F.44 and its adjacent number, F.45 are now out and all that remain, excluding the 'foundation' burial, are those under the two pla... click here for more... 

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