Displaying Diary Entries for Feature = 3 |
Page 1 of 2 (Total Records: 12)
Name: | Gavin Lucas |
Team: | Çatal |
Date: | 8/27/1997 |
Entry: | Work finally started yesterday on taking down the sub-floor layers in Building 1; we have left Chad working on the final skeletons under platform F.13 and strung out the interior of the building on a 2 metre grid aligned to the main site grid. I have deci... click here for more... |
Name: | Gavin Lucas |
Team: | Çatal |
Date: | 8/28/1997 |
Entry: | Just a quickie - F.37 platform walls (F.8 and F.10) now coming down along with the rest of F.3; the rest is proceeding well. However, two new burials emerged today cut through the sub-floor infill layers but sealed by the primary floors and packing of Bui... click here for more... |
Name: | Gavin Lucas |
Team: | Çatal |
Date: | 9/4/1997 |
Entry: | Work has been really speeding up now - the make up deposits for Building 1 are being excavated fairly rapidly and it is having a tremendous impact on the appearance of the site. As far as we can ascertain, these deposits consist of single episode infills/... click here for more... |
Name: | Gavin Lucas |
Team: | Çatal |
Date: | 9/13/1997 |
Entry: | A long time since my last entry but various excuses can be given - illness, backlog of unit sheets to check (which are now more or less upto date) and the fact that little new has happened. First a note on the unit sheets; the completion of these is not ... click here for more... |
Name: | Gavin Lucas |
Team: | Çatal |
Date: | 9/24/1997 |
Entry: | This will be my last entry for the season; work finished today and tomorrow we will backfill. Things really started to slow down in the last couple of weeks, especially since my staff seemed to consist solely of Ali and Naomi. However, Chad returned to wo... click here for more... |
Name: | Roger Matthews |
Team: | Çatal |
Date: | 8/26/1996 |
Entry: | Another solid day of recording - we have now produced a marvellous 1:20 plan of Building 1, with much detail on it - levels, slopes, plaster lines, Munsell colours etc. It will serve as a base map for all future analyses of the building and its contents. ... click here for more... |
Name: | Roger Matthews |
Team: | Çatal |
Date: | 8/27/1996 |
Entry: | We started excavating again today. Gavin and Serap took out wall 15 in Space 70. The wall comprised irregular bricks and a little plaster on its N face. The highly burnt floor of Space 70 continued beautifully under the wall, showing that wall 15 was inst... click here for more... |
Name: | Roger Matthews |
Team: | Çatal |
Date: | 8/28/1996 |
Entry: | Work on removing the upper phase of the N half of the building went very well today, with exciting evidence already appearing directly under the floors. Louise removed the curving wall feature (Feature 20) and it came down on to a lavishly plastered surfa... click here for more... |
Name: | Roger Matthews |
Team: | Çatal |
Date: | 9/15/1996 |
Entry: | Wind has got up again but it wasn't bad during site hours. We proceeded with excavation of the floors and lower deposits of Building 1. The burials are certainly going to take some time. Tona and Jenis continued to excavate burial 30, taking out the main ... click here for more... |
Name: | Roger Matthews |
Team: | Çatal |
Date: | 9/19/1996 |
Entry: | It has been a busy few days lately and we have been working late on site, so no time for the diary. Work is going well as we truly approach the end of the season. The past days have been spent in two principal activities: section drawing and burial excava... click here for more... |