The Excavation Diary

The excavation diaries are a daily log kept by the excavators on site during each season. They record the day to day activity of the team and their observations on their work.
Displaying Diary Entries for Feature = 3346

Page 1 of 4 (Total Records: 31)
Name: JMR 
Date: 7/28/2011 
Entry: Today, LMS came into the trench for more micromorphological samples. We had a discussion about wall F.2413/5055, which looks more like fill than like wall to the specialists. We discussed the possibility of B.98 consisting of walls and buttresses carved o... click here for more... 
Name: JMR 
Date: 7/30/2011 
Entry: DLG and JFB finished the drawing of burial F.3342 today. Afterwards, JFB proceeded to excavate the other burial (F.3347) in the disturbed fill above Sp.342. DLG tried to follow wall F.3344 southwards and noticed that is is cut by a pit that also cut wall ... click here for more... 
Name: JMR 
Date: 7/31/2011 
Entry: JFB drew burial F.3347 today and took out the bones. It turns out that some of the skeleton is outside trench borders, we are currently discussing what to do about that. She was assisted by a micromorphology specialist taking samples to identify rest of s... click here for more... 
Name: JHB 
Date: 8/1/2011 
Entry: Unit 15359 is completed. Orignially it was thought that 15359 would be a quick unit, taking down the ~30cm stepp left over from previous excavations down to the same level as the adjacent roomfill. However, it soon turned interesting/complicated. Notably,... click here for more... 
Name: JMR 
Date: 8/1/2011 
Entry: Exciting day in Trench 5. DLG found the plastered face of wall F.3343 (by removing U.16930, probably still disturbed room fill in Space 343). The plaster is medium thick and medium firm and well preserved, but disturbed by a lot of rodent holes. In the... click here for more... 
Name: JMR 
Date: 8/2/2011 
Entry: Another exciting day in Trench 5. DLG started cleaning the plastered face of wall F.3344 (removed fill U.16930). Afterwards, the base of the wall became visible; it is sitting on very homogeneous grey fill. It looks nearly like nicely sieved soil and m... click here for more... 
Name: CMB 
Date: 8/6/2011 
Entry: Today, I finished unit 16937 and 16943. It’s a pit and it belong probably to the byzantine period (at least post Neolithic and chalcolithic). It cut at least 4 walls (F.3346, F.3350, F.3349, F.2426). We can note different composition of walls: F. 3346 and... click here for more... 
Name: JMR 
Date: 8/8/2011 
Entry: Apart from room fill excavation, we set out on a wall finding mission today, trying to define the walls in the trench extension that we have been seeing and feeling for a while, but which are still clouded by disturbances. We want to identify these walls ... click here for more... 
Name: JMR 
Date: 8/10/2011 
Entry: Second last day in the trench, and a exciting day. Apart from very nice small finds, and in general many finds, we attributed two new building numbers: The building encompassing Spaces 310 and 454 is now Building 106, since its southern wall (F.3352) was ... click here for more... 
Name: JMR 
Date: 8/1/2012 
Entry: In southern Building 105, SO and EUR finished room fill layer 16997 and then cleaned the walls around it. As the layer contained much of the white marl used for plastering, some of the lumps were also quite close to the walls and blur the outlines – we le... click here for more... 

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