The Excavation Diary

The excavation diaries are a daily log kept by the excavators on site during each season. They record the day to day activity of the team and their observations on their work.
Displaying Diary Entries for Unit: 13743

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Name: ER 
Team: West-Buffalo/Camb 
Date: 7/31/2006 
Entry: Team: everybody minus Ezra and Helen plus Jonathan and Catriona. Three members of the Selcuk team (Zeliha, Vildan, Nesime) joined us today, and the tent over trench 6 was put up today to provide shelter when the burials there are taken out. Weather: pret... click here for more... 
Name: Esra Nigar Irmak 
Team: West-Thrace 
Date: 7/31/2006 
Entry: kazi alanina geldigimde 5 nolu transedeki unit 13736 ve 13745 de calisma gorevi verildi. Bu unitlerde kazi arkadasim sedef ve iscilerden metin ile calistim.13736 da kaldirdigimiz iskeletin oldugu unitti. Yaklasik 10 cm kadar derine indik. Bu sirada sedef... click here for more... 
Name: Gülay Yilankaya 
Team: West-Thrace 
Date: 8/1/2006 
Entry: 5 nolu acmada 4 gundur calisiyorum.son 3 gundur acmanin guneydogusunda bulunan mezari bulmaya devam ettim.bugun ogle saatlerine dogru buldugumuz iskelet beni cok sevindirdi.cunku icinden cok guzel bir yuzuk cikti.ona ilk dokunan olamadim ama ikinci oldum.... click here for more... 
Name: ER 
Team: West-Buffalo/Camb 
Date: 8/1/2006 
Entry: Team: all without Ezra, plus Jonathan and Catriona Weather: pretty hot In trench 5, Gulgun and Hanife planned the stones 13722, so they are ready for take-out tomorrow. Within unit 13743, we reached a female skeleton 13746 in grave feature 2403, w... click here for more... 
Name: ER 
Team: West-Buffalo/Camb 
Date: 8/2/2006 
Entry: Team: all in the morning, Tom and Helen at the dighouse after lunch, Jonathan and Catriona Weather: very hot and no wind, good to have the shelter In Trench 5, Ezra, Gulgun, Gulay and Hanife were engaged in taking off the stones 13722 and thus exposed... click here for more... 
Name: Gülay Yilankaya 
Team: West-Thrace 
Date: 8/2/2006 
Entry: 5 nolu acmada calismaya bugunde devam ettim.buldugumuz mezari skat acmaya devam etti. Lab.a gonderilmesi sanirim yarin gerceklesir.orada yuzukten sonra bulunan en iyi buluntulardan biri olan kemik ustune kaplumbagaya benzer bir figurinin bulunmasi click here for more... 
Name: ER 
Team: West-Buffalo/Camb 
Date: 8/3/2006 
Entry: Team: all except Ezra plus Jonathan and Catriona, Sevgi, Leila, Nesime, Zeliha, Vildan, Arsuman Hanim and Zafer from the Selcuk team joining Weather: still hotter than yesterday Gulgun and Hanfe managed to draw the grave lining in grave 2404 (13757) t... click here for more... 

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