A feature number is allocated to any group of related units that need
to be described as a whole, for instance a burial cut, associated fill(s) and
skeleton will be grouped together by a feature number, or the bricks, mortar and
plaster of a wall may also be grouped. The Feature Sheet filled out on site allows a
whole burial or architectural element, as opposed to its individual units to
be described.
Displaying Feature Numbers List By Area Trench 6 | Page 1 of 2 (Total Records: 15)
| 0 | wall Feature 3626 is a wall located in the NW region of building 108, in space 84. It is abutted by a possible bench F. 3635 as well as a possible division... | 2450 | burial Sheet virtually empty. | 2451 | burial EW oriented stone cists grave with two levels. Grave consists of stone walls. Rectangular. It may be used for xxx [unreadable] stone to Eastern side. ... | 2452 | wall Wall stub, 60cm wide. Limestone in two set sheels with a rubble fill preserved at least 4 courses high. No foundation cut visible (yet). Truncated at ... | 2453 | burial Grave pit, oblong rectangular, not excavated in 2006. | 2454 | burial Mudbrick-built cist grave with four walls built neatly into a roughly coffin shape. EW oriented, with head of skeleton to West. Skeleton within is adu... | 2455 | burial 2455is a grave surrounded by a mudbrick structure. It consists of 6 units. The grave is oriented from E to W, with a small stone slab marking the E en... | 2456 | burial EW oriented stone cist grave, with two levels of stone-built walls and a floor of clay with many white inclusions and a thing ashy layer just above. R... | 2457 | burial The pit fill 13852 and the pit cut 13854 constitute feature 2457. It is a pit that is later than, and heavily truncates the plaster floors 13842 and 1... | 2458 | burial At the northern side of the grave it is limited by three rows of mudbrick and two rows of stones on top of that Direction is bottom to the top. At the... |
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