A feature number is allocated to any group of related units that need
to be described as a whole, for instance a burial cut, associated fill(s) and
skeleton will be grouped together by a feature number, or the bricks, mortar and
plaster of a wall may also be grouped. The Feature Sheet filled out on site allows a
whole burial or architectural element, as opposed to its individual units to
be described.
Displaying Feature Numbers List By Feature Type pit | Page 1 of 43 (Total Records: 422)
| 17 | pit cuts (1128) (1321) fills
Late intrusive pit. possibly probably after occupation, and abandonment of building 1.
Cut for pit seen almost at surface... | 91 | pit a large nearly oval pit in the south-east corner of space 113 covering most of the space of the platform / small room. It serves no obvious function a... | 223 | pit A large squareish pit in the north west corner of space 154. It consists of a larger upper cut [3070] with two fills - (3075) / (3076). there is a sma... | 240 | pit Pit against wall F230. Upper part is filled with general room infilling (3265) and (3266). There were two lower fills (3274) and (3280) but these were... | 241 | pit Pit against wall F241. Only one fill (3260) which is identical to general infilling of space 154. it is quite a large and regular pit, although the si... | 275 | pit Roughly semi-circular with fairly regular sides to flattish base, cut flush against west wall of space 112.
Possibly a retrieval pit cut for a post -... | 276 | pit Irregular shaped at top (see cut (2738) ) and more horse-shoe shaped towards base. (see cut (2855)) with tapering sides at top, vertical to base which... | 362 | pit Shallow 'post occupation' scoop at southern end of space 70/71.
Visible in surface scrape and excavated in 1995 but not given a feature number
Proba... | 440 | pit Oval to rounded in plan pit with gently sloping concave sides and a rounded concave base. 0.89m by 0.76m in dimensions at the surface but clearly redu... | 587 | pit Unexcavated possible clay ball pit or grave. Revealed during removal of floor (5362) |
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