Area: North |
Dug in Year: 2004 |
Feature Type: fire installation |
Feature Subtype: hearth |
Location: near south wall, eastern area |
Grid X: 1052.96 Grid Y: 1169.7 |
SHL 3/8/04 Unexcavated in 2004; exact size and relationships TBD. So far: fire installation ca 50 cm north of the south wall, flanked on all sides by mudbrick rim (possibly truncated, ca. 12 cm high and 10 cm wide). The interior (under 7948; named 7951 but not yet excavated) is hard-packed, red-bllack floor surface of the oven.
Numerous phytoliths in interior (see samples for 7948).
DE 18/08/06 Excavated in 2006 season. Sub rectangular hearth or oven. Vertically truncated so unclear extent of original superstructure. At least two phases of hearth overlying each other with the earlier hearth largely truncated by the later hearth (DE 15/08/06)
FS 1/9/08 Intercutting hearth pits in the SE corner of the building. 4 hearths were identified, most with scorched surfaces. Of note was hearth [17468] which had 3 small circular cuts in the corners of the square hearth cut, possibly for stakes/posts that may have supported some sort of vessel. These were backfilled during the next phase of hearth activity, cut [17465] and lining [17460]. |
In situ Conservation: No |
Lifted: No |
Feature Relationships: |
abuts: (Click to view the record) 1663 |
cuts: (Click to view the record) 1666 |
Number of Related Diary Entries: 2 |
Conservation Recorded: No |
Related Photos: 35 (Opens as a group in a new window) | Buildings: (Click to view the record)
| Spaces: (Click to view the record)
| No. Of Units in this Feature: 30 (Click here to view unit list) |