Feature 3624

Area: North 
Dug in Year: 2012 
Feature Type: wall 
Feature Subtype:  
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Location: S wall of space 84 
Grid X: 1044.5  Grid Y: 1175.45
Only part of the feature was exposed and excavated. The feature is a light yellow brick wall, 3 brick rows thick with light grey mortar in between the bricks.
Excavated in order to determine the relation between it and wall 3623. Thought to be a younger wall, built alongside the N face of the F.3623. Turned up to be in between the uppermost and lower rows of bricks of the latter. The part of the feature truncating the F.3623 Left in situ.
We think that it may be evidence of reconstruction and repairs done during functioning of Building 108.

Further excavation in 2013 by a. klimowicz:

Feature 3624 (u.20416-bricks, u.20415-mortar) together with F.3623 had been assigned as the southern walls of Space 489. Due to the exploration strategy (established in 2012), excavations embraced only eastern part of the mentioned space leaving section/profile through midden deposits. In the course of the decision, arbitrary Western limit of the trench was set up, along the Grid line: E-1044,00. Consequently, work conducted in 2013 embraced only eastern fragment of the feature. The wall 3624 was erected after preparing foundation cut in the midden. However, foot of the feature did not reached the bottom of the soft dumping deposit, but stood directly on the midden at the height of 1012,44 m A.S.L. The construction of wall in such circumstances aimed to create stable foundation and proper surface to set on its base the factual structure of B.108. It is clear that in spite of an overlap/shift between the southern walls (F.3623 and 3624) in central part of the Sp.489 they obviously represent one constructional episode. 
In situ Conservation: No 
Lifted: No 
Feature Relationships:
bonded with: (Click to view the record) 3623 
Number of Related Diary Entries: 7
Conservation Recorded: No
Related Photos: 22 (Opens as a group in a new window) 
Buildings: (Click to view the record)

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No. Of Units in this Feature:  2  (Click here to view unit list)
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