Feature 464

Area: South 
Dug in Year: 1999 
Feature Type: Burial 
Location: Below platform F.428 SW of room 163 
Grid X: 921.7  Grid Y: 968.7
Although the burial was below platform 428 when it was encountered, it is possible that originally it was cut into the platform, and re-plastered immediately. If it was it not seen in plan.
The skull was crushed and so were parts of the spine. Originally the height of the skull would exceed the height of the Neolithic infill 4172. Therefore it is conceivable that it was cut into the platform at one point in time of the life of the platform. The infant, 6 months < 1 year was placed very carefully within the small cut. Head to west, legs at east in a crouched position. The infant was placed on a matt which could have been made from reed or other grasses. This has left an impression to the south, to the east near the feet and around the head area. Attached to the skeleton were wrist bracelets made of bone and/or coloured stone, blue, amberisy, black and white.

stone bracelets around each wrist, bone bell-shaped anklets around each ankle with a covering of red ochre (sampled). Lies within cut [4404]. Lifted by Kent and Charlie.

Covering the body and certainly concentrated to the east and south was red ochre. No signs of any garments were visible. Jewellery is possibly only funerary as they seem large for a baby.

(sf 2000) As the platform was so heavily truncated it is probable that the cut was missed during excavation and that the burial cut this platform, as oposed to a foundation burial. Could the artefacts with this infant indicate a special standing as could the fact that it was the only one associated with the platform. 
In situ Conservation: No 
Lifted: No 
Feature Relationships:
cuts: (Click to view the record) 428 
Number of Related Diary Entries: 3
Conservation Recorded: No
Buildings: (Click to view the record)

Spaces: (Click to view the record)

No. Of Units in this Feature:  4  (Click here to view unit list)
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