Unit List

On an archaeological excavation every deposit is given a unique number. At Catalhoyuk we call these numbers Unit numbers (similar to Context numbers). The dig has already allocated over 20000 Units numbers!

Displaying Unit Numbers for Feature 4092

Page 1 of 1 (Total Records: 8)
19725 Partially Excavated  Wall Plaster of East Wall.
20868 Layer  Red-orange ocher paint occuring in patchy sections across the wall of F. 4092, Eastern wall of B.96
20869 Layer  Geometric Painting, lattice-like in design. The pattern occurs both vertically and at an approx. 15 degree angle along F.4092. There are the remains o...
20870 Layer  Red-orange plaster layer under the geometric painting, approx. 7 layers below. Not fully exposed in 2014 season.
20871 Layer  Red ocher painted layer under unit 20870. Unit not fully excavated in 2014 season. There are approx 2 layers of white plaster between this unit and th...
20878  Horizontal painted lines in B.96. The built-up plaster layers cover the top of the geometric painting U:20869. The design consists of two parallel red...
22902 Layer  Mudbrick of East Wall in B. 96
22903 Layer  Mortar of East wall in B.96

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