On an archaeological excavation every deposit is given a unique number. At Catalhoyuk
we call these numbers Unit numbers (similar to Context numbers). The dig has already
allocated over 20000 Units numbers!
Displaying Unit Numbers for Feature 8047 | Page 1 of 1 (Total Records: 4)
| 23227 | Layer U 23227 is found below the earliest features and packing of the earliest floor for Building 17. It is a general unit assigned to all that area, and sp... | 23229 | Layer U23229 is found at the very SW corner of the 3 x 4m trench cut into space 620 for midden U23227 to be excavated efficiently. | 23230 | Cut Baby burial within a basket. A worked stone was found within the upper part of the Fill U.23229. | 23234 | Skeleton The baby burial in a basket is found in the very SW corner of the 3 x 4 m trench, plotted within space 620. The Eastern part of the basket and pit cut... |
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