Unit 16697

Category: Skeleton    dug in 2008


Area: North 


Site Sketch: Click here to open in a new window 

Interpretive Categories: burial 


Data Category Information: none


Dimensions: 0.44 n-s, 0.6 e-w 


Discussion: Neolithic adult skeleton was found in the NW platform of B.49, Sp 335. The skeleton was nearly complete but missing its haed and all of the cervical vertebrae. One cervical vertebrae (?), one thoracic vertebrae and the mandible were displaced. The thorax was compressed laterally in a dramatic fashion. The left hand was flexed more so than the right one. Black residue (14459.s3)was evident in the thorax and shoulder (clavicle, left) regions. It is possible the head was taken in a separate event not related to the interment of a later individual. However, an adult (14441) was buried in a similar location later in time and maybe when the head was taken. Also, a disturbed skeleton (17412) was also found at this level in the northwest part fo the burial pit. This skeleton was headless and limbless. Its disturbance maybe related to to the disturbance of (16697) and/or it may have been disturbed at the same time as (16697). The metatarsals and phalanges of the foot are under the legs of skeleton (17485) located in the NW corner of the pit indicating the body was placed into the grave after the interment of (16697). 


X and Y of Targets: Target A - X: 1053.02; Target A - Y: 1172.15; Target B - X: 1052.59; Target B - Y: 1172.44; Target C - X: 1052.74; Target C - Y: 1172.7; Target D - X: 1052.88; Target D - Y: 1172.51 

Body: neolithic adult skeleton. Upper body on stomach, tightly compressed laterally: lower boddy on left side; tightly flexed at hips, loosely flexed at right knee, tightly flexed left knee 

Head: head missing, majority of cervical vertebrae missing 

Right Arm: upper arm extended alongside body, elbow bent at 20 degrees, lower arm and hand under right leg; hand over left tibia, flexed backwards from wrist, palm up; Right and left hands together 

Left Arm: upper arm under body, crossing abdomen; elbow bent 45 degrees, distal lower arm under right leg (tibia), over left leg (tibia); left hand atop right hand; left hand clenched back onto right radius and ulna 

Right Leg: loosely flexed at knee, tightly at hip; lower leg crosses over right lower leg, lower arms, and hands; foot flexed towards west 

Left Leg: tightly flexed at hip and knee; foot extended towards north; metatarsals under leg of another individual (17485) to N. 

Other comments: exposed for 2 days but partially exposed for 3 weeks 

Surface Modifications:  


Unit Stratigraphy (as recorded in the field): above: (Click to view the record) 17413 below: (Click to view the record) 14459 


Dry sieve volume:

Number of Samples recorded by excavator: 4

Number of Related Diary Entries: 0


Settlement Phase:

Associated Mellaart Levels (from Space): Unassigned at present 

Associated Hodder Level (from Space): Unassigned at present 

Related Photos: 46 (Opens as a group in a new window) 
Buildings: (Click to view the record)

Spaces: (Click to view the record)

Features:: (Click to view the record)

4021 (burial)

Finds Room Information:

All material from site passes through the finds room for washing and separating before it is passed onto the various lab teams. The finds room keeps a basic inventory of what is found. A finds material type list is given here. Further analytical detail maybe provided by the Lab Team data below.

X Finds Material: nothing recorded  

Finds Material Stored: nothing recorded  


Lab Team Data

Please note the list below does not represent everything that might have been found in this Unit, but represents the datasets we have available on-line. Please contact us to obtain more information about this Unit.

ArchaeoBots Sample Recorded: No
Ceramics Data for 2008 still to be released
Clay Object Records: No
Chipped Stone Records: No
Conservation Recorded: No
Faunal Records: No
Figurine Records: No
GroundStone Records: No
Heavy Residue Records: No
Microfaunal Records: No
Sorry not all of this data is available online at present, please contact us if you are particularly interested microfauna records
Phytolith Sample: No
Sorry not all of this data is available online at present, please contact us if you are particularly interested phytolith samples

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Konya Seker
