Displaying Diary Entries for Feature = 3342 |
Page 1 of 2 (Total Records: 14)
Name: | JMR |
Team: | |
Date: | 7/26/2011 |
Entry: | BOD continued removing lenses of infill in Spaces 450 and 452 (scraping U.15372). While doing so, she exposed further the plaster lump U.15373 which now really looks like a lump rather than a construction and continues further into the fill under bench F.... click here for more... |
Name: | JMR |
Team: | |
Date: | 7/27/2011 |
Entry: | Apart from excavation, micromorphological samples were taken in our trench today by LMS. The specialists came in to take samples of three deposits and surfaces in the southern section of Space 342 and of wall F.2424 in Space 342. We intend to sample wall ... click here for more... |
Name: | JMR |
Team: | |
Date: | 7/28/2011 |
Entry: | Today, LMS came into the trench for more micromorphological samples. We had a discussion about wall F.2413/5055, which looks more like fill than like wall to the specialists. We discussed the possibility of B.98 consisting of walls and buttresses carved o... click here for more... |
Name: | JMR |
Team: | |
Date: | 7/30/2011 |
Entry: | DLG and JFB finished the drawing of burial F.3342 today. Afterwards, JFB proceeded to excavate the other burial (F.3347) in the disturbed fill above Sp.342. DLG tried to follow wall F.3344 southwards and noticed that is is cut by a pit that also cut wall ... click here for more... |
Name: | JFB |
Team: | |
Date: | 7/31/2011 |
Entry: | Today I continued work on F. 3347 Sk. 15390, where I was not sure if I had a truncated skeleton, or a whole skeleton, as the other skeleton (F. 3340, Sk. 15346) was found approximately 15 centimeters above this skeleton. It seems that the sequence of even... click here for more... |
Name: | JFB |
Team: | |
Date: | 8/1/2011 |
Entry: | Today I continued work on F. 3342 and found 3 iron nails in the burial fill 15385. Thus far, it has been very compact up until I reached this iron nail level, possibly indicating that the initial mudbrick upper layer is discontinued, and this is the layer... click here for more... |
Name: | JMR |
Team: | |
Date: | 8/1/2011 |
Entry: | Exciting day in Trench 5.
DLG found the plastered face of wall F.3343 (by removing U.16930, probably still disturbed room fill in Space 343). The plaster is medium thick and medium firm and well preserved, but disturbed by a lot of rodent holes. In the... click here for more... |
Name: | JFB |
Team: | |
Date: | 8/2/2011 |
Entry: | Today I continued work on leveling burial fill 15391 from Sk. 15390, and then started to continue work on burial F. 3342 unit 15385. RHB assisted with the excavation of this unit, and we located a number of iron nails (6 so far), as well as isolated human... click here for more... |
Name: | JFB |
Team: | |
Date: | 8/3/2011 |
Entry: | Today RHB and I continued work on Sk. 15383 F. 3342, and finally reached the juvenile skeleton. It appears in decent condition, but is disturbed highly on the right hand side (the femur is where the humerus should be on the right). Though, the left hand s... click here for more... |
Name: | JFB |
Team: | |
Date: | 8/4/2011 |
Entry: | Today I continued work on F. 3342 U. 15383, which I was able to plan and lift today - I was surprised I got it done that quickly. While I was finishing the levels for the drawing, I had DJG come over to assist with this, and unfortunately as soon as he re... click here for more... |