The Excavation Diary

The excavation diaries are a daily log kept by the excavators on site during each season. They record the day to day activity of the team and their observations on their work.
Displaying Diary Entries for Unit: 16965

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Name: CMB 
Date: 8/8/2011 
Entry: A concentration of clay and mud brick separated arbitrary unit 16958 and unit 16959. This layer (unit 16965) has been excavated and I and JHB don’t have found finds or fill witch seemed to the other unit. Once time this layer remained, we have checked tha... click here for more... 
Name: JHB 
Date: 8/8/2011 
Entry: Today we successfully found the limits of the house that space 342 belongs to. Well, I didn't actually find the western and southern walls that provided the delineation of the building, but since I have been working in space 342 for some time, I feel that... click here for more... 
Name: JMR 
Date: 8/9/2011 
Entry: We are preparing towards the end of the field season this year, and so far all spaces and excavation areas seem to come to a smooth and logical end ... let’s hope nothing unexpected (burials, gold, ovens) will happen in the next days! DKK drew Space 34... click here for more... 

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