The Excavation Diary

The excavation diaries are a daily log kept by the excavators on site during each season. They record the day to day activity of the team and their observations on their work.
Displaying Diary Entries for Unit: 18326

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Name: TEB 
Date: 8/15/2009 
Entry: Today PTW and myself carried on lifting room fill 18314 in space 343. The fill is very similar in texture and appearance to the mudbrick walls that define it, making it extremely difficult to distinguish between between mudbrick and fill. The northern wal... click here for more... 
Name: JMR 
Date: 8/16/2009 
Entry: I drew and removed clusters 18320 and 18319 today. Some sherds of 18320 had phytoliths sticking on the side that was turned down. Those were indicated on the drawing and photographed. One sherd was black on the side which was turned down. X3 that was ... click here for more... 
Name: JMR 
Date: 8/17/2009 
Entry: I drew a plan of the top level of 18326 today, which will be the next spit of roomfill in Sp 310. While doing so, I had to take back my impression that the fill was now more homogeneous than beforehand. A new thing are spots of reddish soil, I still do no... click here for more... 
Name: TEB 
Date: 8/17/2009 
Entry: Today PTW, JFB and myself continued in space 343 lifting room fill 18314. The lower coarse of mudbricks underlying the walls defining space 343 (F.5074, 5050=2425, 2426) continue to be exposed as we lift 18314. The fill 18314 contains very few inclusions ... click here for more... 
Name: TEB 
Date: 8/18/2009 
Entry: PTW, JFB and myself continued in space 343 lifting unit 18314. We decided to fast track the unit, but after a few hours, realised that our dry sieve finds would not be representative of the entire fill of 343, so we went back to dry sieving and hope to co... click here for more... 
Name: JMR 
Date: 8/19/2009 
Name: JMR 
Date: 8/19/2009 
Entry: Diary for 18.8. I started excavating the third spit of room fill in Sp 310 today (18326). Soil still very heterogeneous. Fill continues to contain huge amounts of pot sherds and animal bones. I expected that the cluster defined in the horizon above (18... click here for more... 
Name: JMR 
Date: 8/23/2009 
Entry: EMM and I continued removing 18343 in Sp 310 today. We were able to expose some of the plaster of the older wall phase that started appearing a few days ago. The plaster on the N wall is apparently painted red. Some more fragments of red plaster are lyi... click here for more... 

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