Displaying Diary Entries for Unit: 18343 |
Page 1 of 1 (Total Records: 5)
Name: | JMR |
Team: | |
Date: | 8/22/2009 |
Entry: | In spent Thursday (20.8.) and today removing the next spit of room fill in Sp 310 (18343). In order to be able to clarify the wall situation in 310 still this season we decided to remove a larger spit than ususal, ca. 30cm. The fill contains less lumps of... click here for more... |
Name: | EMM |
Team: | |
Date: | 8/23/2009 |
Entry: | Today I helped Jana in space 310, unit 18343. It is amazing how many finds are coming out of this unit in the course of a day. It seems that the floor in this unit is only partly preserved, in the North- East corner and along the eastern border of the uni... click here for more... |
Name: | JMR |
Team: | |
Date: | 8/24/2009 |
Entry: | Today was a day of intensive discussion in Sp 310. EMM and me continued scraping away everything that was loose soil in search for a surface or other features. The fact that the level that was supposed to be the arbitrary end of 18343 is very compact and ... click here for more... |
Name: | EMM |
Team: | |
Date: | 8/24/2009 |
Entry: | Today I again helped Jana in space 310, unit 18343, where a new situation appeared. We really seem to have the floor, but the problem is a situation at the eastern wall. There is a plaster like concave structure, that breaks up after several centimeters.... click here for more... |
Name: | JMR |
Team: | |
Date: | 8/25/2009 |
Entry: | Today I scraped away the rest of the room fill 18343 in order to expose the surface in which I believe now and which was attributed the Unit number 18348. I also fully exposed the plaster on the N wall 3313, F 3315 and the the floor/ collapse feature U 18... click here for more... |