Displaying Diary Entries for Unit: 18351 |
Page 1 of 1 (Total Records: 5)
Name: | TEB |
Team: | |
Date: | 8/26/2009 |
Entry: | Over the last few days JMR has been taking down space 310 slowly in order to expose any cultural surface that may be present. Today JMR began recording the elevations in space 310, having stopped excavating at unit 18348, suspected to be a surface. Featur... click here for more... |
Name: | NMR |
Team: | |
Date: | 8/4/2013 |
Entry: | Final brushing of B107 before breakfast and photos! Started planned section in the corner of F5074 and F2425 with DSE. The main goal for the next days is to elucidate how the corner is built and how the bricks are connecting to each other. Further section... click here for more... |
Name: | NMR |
Team: | |
Date: | 8/5/2013 |
Entry: | Today I continued to remove the brick layers of F5074 (unit 18351), while DSE exposed the top of the wall below F2425 and started to remove the “outer” wall F2429.
Concerning unit 18351, there were still three or four rows of bricks to be removed before ... click here for more... |
Name: | NMR |
Team: | |
Date: | 8/6/2013 |
Entry: | I started the day with cleaning the exposed part of west-profile of wall F5074. Then I decided to start from the top and to first remove the inter-wall fill between F5074 and F2429, so as to be able to collect it as a separate unit. And at the same time t... click here for more... |
Name: | DSE |
Team: | |
Date: | 8/16/2013 |
Entry: | This is the Report for the 15.08.2013:
Today I finished the units 31124 and 31179. After removing the interfill (31124) and going further down at F. 3306 (unit 31179), the west profile of feature 5074 showed a swift of the plaster line at unit 18351. I... click here for more... |